Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Today's Pick (10/05/12/081/775) Engaging consumers via social networks

Engaging consumers via social networks
SOCIAL networks will be the primary form of how companies engage with their consumers in the future, according to Omnicom Media Group's (OMG) OMD Predicts.

Besides the use of such social networks as Twitter and Facebook, there will also be more personalised advertisements for consumers in the future instead of a wide approach as how it is done today, it added.

OMD Predicts is a series of industry events that looks beyond today and anticipates what is around the corner. This will lead to a better understanding of consumer behaviour trends.

The series is brought to Asia Pacific for the first time starting with several countries in Southeast Asia including Malaysia.
"OMD Predicts is our vision for the future, a future that we are excited to bring to life in Malaysia," OMG Malaysia managing director Andreas Vogiatzakis said.

He was speaking at the OMD Predicts Malaysia showcase, attended by over 100 representatives in the media, marketing and advertising industry here on Tuesday.

Brand engagement rules are being continuously rewritten in the face of rapidly changing consumer behaviour, Vogiatzakis added.

"As one of the most wired nations of Southeast Asia, Malaysia is at the forefront of a plethora of opportunities that has implication for the rest of Asia," he said.

Meanwhile, OMD Malaysia managing director Margaret Lim pointed that television dominance is weakening in the face of multitude of screens that have invaded the consumers daily life.

"Social media networks and mobile devices have given the way to multi-tasking like never before. OMD Predicts is a platform designed to help marketers get better in the art of effective customer engagement," she said.

Another prediction by OMD Predicts Malaysia is that in three years' time, listening to consumers in real time would replace surveys as the mainstay of how insight is gathered.

Source : New Straits Times
Date : 10 May 2012
Today's Pick (10/05/12/081/775)

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