Sasar 8,000 usahawan setahun
MARA mahu lahirkan 500 jutawan tulen menjelang 2015
Kuala Lumpur: MARA menyasar melahirkan sehingga 8,000 usahawan baru setiap tahun bagi membolehkan agensi itu mewujudkan 500 usahawan Bumiputera berstatus jutawan tulen menjelang 2015.
Langkah itu penting bagi membolehkan negara memiliki kumpulan usahawan yang berkebolehan mengurus perniagaan dengan lebih berdaya maju dan mampu bertahan dalam pasaran domestik dan antarabangsa meskipun terpaksa berdepan keadaan ekonomi yang tidak menentu.
Semua usaha dilaksanakan MARA menerusi pendekatan bersepadunya termasuk mengenal pasti industri yang berpotensi untuk diceburi” - Mohd Rosdi Ismail, Timbalan Ketua Pengarah (Keusahawanan) MARATimbalan Ketua Pengarah (Keusahawanan) MARA, Mohd Rosdi Ismail, berkata sasaran itu juga bertujuan bagi memastikan adanya kelangsungan pembangunan sosio ekonomi Bumiputera.
“MARA kini sedang rancak melahirkan usahawan berstatus jutawan tulen selain daripada memantapkan lagi usahawan baru yang memerlukan bimbingan.
“Kita menyasar untuk melahirkan 500 usahawan jutawan tulen yang mampu menjana pendapatan syarikat tidak kurang daripada RM4 juta setahun men-jelang 2015.
Kukuh program
“Kini 139 usahawan sudah berjaya dibentuk,” katanya dalam satu temu bual dengan BH dan Metro, di sini, semalam.
Bagi merealisasikan sasaran itu, Mohd Rosdi berkata, MARA terus menumpu dan mengukuhkan program pendidikan dan pembangunan usahawannya.
Beliau berkata, agensi itu juga akan meluaskan lagi rangkaian jaringan dan kerjasama perniagaan dengan jabatan dan agensi kerajaan, industri dan komuniti setempat secara lebih bersepadu, menyeluruh dan berterusan.
“Semua usaha dilaksanakan MARA menerusi pendekatan bersepadunya termasuk mengenalpasti industri yang berpotensi untuk diceburi, menyediakan premis dan tempat melaksanakan perniagaan.
“Agensi juga menekankan usaha bimbingan bagi membantu usahawan mengeluarkan produk dan perkhidmatan yang mempunyai nilai kebolehpasaran global bagi pasaran domestik serta luar negara,” katanya.
Dari aspek pembiayaan pula, Mohd Rosdi berkata, pihaknya sudah memperkenalkan tiga produk iaitu Skim Pembiayaan Kontrak Ekspress (SPiKE), Skim Jaminan Usahawan MARA (SJUM) dan Skim Pembiayaan Groom Big (SPG) bagi membantu usahawan Bumiputera mengembangkan perniagaan mereka.
Semua skim pembiayaan itu bagi membantu melahirkan usahawan berwibawa dan mampu menjana berpendapatan tinggi.
Source : Berita Harian
Date : 27 September 2012
Today's Pick (28/09/12/171/864)
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
afternoon highlight (26/09/12/166/641) MTDC sasar lahir syarikat raih RM100j
MTDC sasar lahir syarikat raih RM100j
Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Technology Development Corporation (MTDC) merumus sasaran untuk melahirkan sekurang-kurangnya sebuah syarikat teknologi tempatan dengan keupayaan menjana pendapatan lebih RM100 juta setahun.
Pencapaian sasaran itu penting untuk menjadi pemangkin dan menyemarakkan kesedaran dalam usaha mewujudkan kumpulan usahawan teknokrat tempatan yang lebih dinamik dan progresif serta mampu bersaing dengan syarikat teknologi asing di pasaran tempatan dan peringkat antarabangsa.
Latih ramai usahawan
Ketua Eksekutif MTDC, Norhalim Yunus, berkata bagi mencapai sasaran itu pihaknya akan meningkatkan usaha mencari, mengenal pasti, membantu dan melatih lebih ramai usahawan atau teknokrat tempatan menerusi semua saluran program serta penyediaan dana yang ada di bawah agensi itu.
Katanya, langkah itu juga turut merangkumi kerjasamanya dengan universiti dan institusi penyelidikan tempatan.
“Kerajaan mahu membangunkan lebih ramai kumpulan usahawan teknokrat yang berjaya, berinovasi dan dapat menjana pulangan menguntungkan dalam jangka panjang dan tidak sekadar makan gaji.
“Justeru, dengan adanya pemangkin seperti ini, iaitu sebuah syarikat yang lahir hasil bantuan dan sokongan yang diberikan MTDC seumpama ini, ia akan menarik dan melahirkan lebih ramai usahawan baru menceburi bidang ini.
Beri mandat
“Ini seterusnya akan meningkatkan jumlah penyertaan syarikat tempatan dalam industri teknologi, sekali gus dapat menguasai keseluruhan rantaian nilai sama ada dari segi peluang mahupun potensi pertumbuhannya di dalam dan luar negara,” katanya dalam satu pertemuan dengan BH di sini.
MTDC, yang ditubuhkan pada 1992 dengan modal berbayar RM52 juta, diberi mandat untuk menguruskan dana dan geran bagi membiayai aktiviti pengkomersialan teknologi yang dibangunkan syarikat tempatan.
Norhalim berkata, setakat ini, beberapa produk teknologi hasil ciptaan universiti dan institusi penyelidikan tempatan sudah berada di pasaran sama ada di dalam mahu pun di peringkat antarabangsa.
Namun, jelasnya, bilangan produk teknologi tempatan yang dikomersialkan di pasaran masih belum mencukupi dan beliau mengakui ada beberapa halangan yang menyebabkan produk teknologi tidak dapat dikomersialkan.
Program kesedaran
Antaranya, pengurusan yang tidak cekap serta pengetahuan pasaran yang tidak mencukupi sehingga menjadi punca penangguhan pengkomersialan produk teknologi.
“MTDC komited menyelesaikan permasalahan itu secepat mungkin menerusi pengenalan lebih banyak program kesedaran kepada pihak yang terbabit bagi membolehkan lebih banyak produk teknologi tempatan yang sedang dibangunkan berada di pasaran secepat mungkin,” katanya.
Mengulas lanjut, beliau berkata, agensi itu mahu melahirkan usahawan tekno yang mempunyai peluang meneroka bidang baru dan ini selaras dengan Model Baru Ekonomi (MBE) yang mana kejayaan kita adalah berasaskan kepada kemampuan mencipta kekayaan berasaskan teknologi.
Antara dana atau geran disediakan MTDC kepada syarikat tempatan yang ingin mengkomersialkan produk teknologi mereka termasuk Dana Permulaan Perniagaan (BSF) dan Dana Perkembangan Perniagaan (BGF).
Source : Berita Harian
Date : 24 September 2012
afternoon highlight (26/09/12/166/641)
Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Technology Development Corporation (MTDC) merumus sasaran untuk melahirkan sekurang-kurangnya sebuah syarikat teknologi tempatan dengan keupayaan menjana pendapatan lebih RM100 juta setahun.
Pencapaian sasaran itu penting untuk menjadi pemangkin dan menyemarakkan kesedaran dalam usaha mewujudkan kumpulan usahawan teknokrat tempatan yang lebih dinamik dan progresif serta mampu bersaing dengan syarikat teknologi asing di pasaran tempatan dan peringkat antarabangsa.
Latih ramai usahawan
Ketua Eksekutif MTDC, Norhalim Yunus, berkata bagi mencapai sasaran itu pihaknya akan meningkatkan usaha mencari, mengenal pasti, membantu dan melatih lebih ramai usahawan atau teknokrat tempatan menerusi semua saluran program serta penyediaan dana yang ada di bawah agensi itu.
Katanya, langkah itu juga turut merangkumi kerjasamanya dengan universiti dan institusi penyelidikan tempatan.
“Kerajaan mahu membangunkan lebih ramai kumpulan usahawan teknokrat yang berjaya, berinovasi dan dapat menjana pulangan menguntungkan dalam jangka panjang dan tidak sekadar makan gaji.
“Justeru, dengan adanya pemangkin seperti ini, iaitu sebuah syarikat yang lahir hasil bantuan dan sokongan yang diberikan MTDC seumpama ini, ia akan menarik dan melahirkan lebih ramai usahawan baru menceburi bidang ini.
Beri mandat
“Ini seterusnya akan meningkatkan jumlah penyertaan syarikat tempatan dalam industri teknologi, sekali gus dapat menguasai keseluruhan rantaian nilai sama ada dari segi peluang mahupun potensi pertumbuhannya di dalam dan luar negara,” katanya dalam satu pertemuan dengan BH di sini.
MTDC, yang ditubuhkan pada 1992 dengan modal berbayar RM52 juta, diberi mandat untuk menguruskan dana dan geran bagi membiayai aktiviti pengkomersialan teknologi yang dibangunkan syarikat tempatan.
Norhalim berkata, setakat ini, beberapa produk teknologi hasil ciptaan universiti dan institusi penyelidikan tempatan sudah berada di pasaran sama ada di dalam mahu pun di peringkat antarabangsa.
Namun, jelasnya, bilangan produk teknologi tempatan yang dikomersialkan di pasaran masih belum mencukupi dan beliau mengakui ada beberapa halangan yang menyebabkan produk teknologi tidak dapat dikomersialkan.
Program kesedaran
Antaranya, pengurusan yang tidak cekap serta pengetahuan pasaran yang tidak mencukupi sehingga menjadi punca penangguhan pengkomersialan produk teknologi.
“MTDC komited menyelesaikan permasalahan itu secepat mungkin menerusi pengenalan lebih banyak program kesedaran kepada pihak yang terbabit bagi membolehkan lebih banyak produk teknologi tempatan yang sedang dibangunkan berada di pasaran secepat mungkin,” katanya.
Mengulas lanjut, beliau berkata, agensi itu mahu melahirkan usahawan tekno yang mempunyai peluang meneroka bidang baru dan ini selaras dengan Model Baru Ekonomi (MBE) yang mana kejayaan kita adalah berasaskan kepada kemampuan mencipta kekayaan berasaskan teknologi.
Antara dana atau geran disediakan MTDC kepada syarikat tempatan yang ingin mengkomersialkan produk teknologi mereka termasuk Dana Permulaan Perniagaan (BSF) dan Dana Perkembangan Perniagaan (BGF).
Source : Berita Harian
Date : 24 September 2012
afternoon highlight (26/09/12/166/641)
Today's Pick (26/09/12/169/862) Analysts positive on auto sector
Analysts positive on auto sector
Marginal impact seen from duty reduction expectation
PETALING JAYA: Analysts are still positive about the local automotive sector despite vehicle sales dipping in August.
OSK Research is maintaining the house's total industry volume (TIV) outlook for the year.
“TIV growth year-to-date remains in positive territory at 1.7%, slightly ahead of our forecast of a 1.1% growth in 2012,” the research house said in a report.
“Sales for non-national marques in the July-August period remain quite encouraging despite talks on the likelihood of a reduction in excise duties, which could be announced in the upcoming Budget 2013 or in the National Automotive Policy (NAP).”
OSK Research also said it was “business as usual” in the used-car market.
“Based on our channel checks, any weakness in sales in September and October would be marginal. Come the fourth quarter, we believe the seasonally slower quarter (as many defer purchases to after the new registration year) could be buoyed by new model launches from key models such as Nissan's entry in the B segment, the Almera, and the all-new Honda City.
“As such, we maintain our TIV growth forecast of 1.1% for now.”
According to the Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA), vehicle sales in August fell by 7,644 units or 12.9% to 51,823 units from the 58,382 units in the same month last year.
The MAA attributed the vehicle sales performance to a short working month due to the Hari Raya Aidil Fitri and Merdeka Day holidays.
Meanwhile, RHB Research is maintaining a “neutral” call for the local automotive sector.
“The sales data for August was more resilient than expected and is reflective of the strong underlying demand, tickled by ongoing attractive new model launches. The key risk to the sector is how the market reacts to ongoing talks on the proposed gradual reduction of new vehicle prices.
“The MAA remained cautious on sales prospects for September, expecting sales volumes to be flat month-on-month, citing consumer caution ahead of the announcement of Budget 2013. Nonetheless, the year-on-year sales growth will still be sizeable due to the seasonal sales slump in September 2011.”
Last week, MAA president Datuk Aishah Ahmad told StarBiz that consumers are postponing car purchases due to several factors, including expectations of goodies in the upcoming budget for the auto sector.
“Orders have slowed down a bit. We believe that people expect something will be announced at the budget,” Aishah was quoted as saying, adding that the MAA does not expect any significant announcement in Budget 2013 pertaining to the local auto sector.
For the first six months of 2012, total vehicle sales rose marginally by 1.4% to 301,224 units from 297,203 units a year earlier. The MAA has forecast total industry volume to hit 615,000 units for this year which, if achieved, would be a new record for the country.
Source : The Star
Date : 25 September 2012
Today's Pick (26/09/12/169/862)
Marginal impact seen from duty reduction expectation
PETALING JAYA: Analysts are still positive about the local automotive sector despite vehicle sales dipping in August.
OSK Research is maintaining the house's total industry volume (TIV) outlook for the year.
“TIV growth year-to-date remains in positive territory at 1.7%, slightly ahead of our forecast of a 1.1% growth in 2012,” the research house said in a report.
“Sales for non-national marques in the July-August period remain quite encouraging despite talks on the likelihood of a reduction in excise duties, which could be announced in the upcoming Budget 2013 or in the National Automotive Policy (NAP).”
OSK Research also said it was “business as usual” in the used-car market.
“Based on our channel checks, any weakness in sales in September and October would be marginal. Come the fourth quarter, we believe the seasonally slower quarter (as many defer purchases to after the new registration year) could be buoyed by new model launches from key models such as Nissan's entry in the B segment, the Almera, and the all-new Honda City.
“As such, we maintain our TIV growth forecast of 1.1% for now.”
According to the Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA), vehicle sales in August fell by 7,644 units or 12.9% to 51,823 units from the 58,382 units in the same month last year.
The MAA attributed the vehicle sales performance to a short working month due to the Hari Raya Aidil Fitri and Merdeka Day holidays.
Meanwhile, RHB Research is maintaining a “neutral” call for the local automotive sector.
“The sales data for August was more resilient than expected and is reflective of the strong underlying demand, tickled by ongoing attractive new model launches. The key risk to the sector is how the market reacts to ongoing talks on the proposed gradual reduction of new vehicle prices.
“The MAA remained cautious on sales prospects for September, expecting sales volumes to be flat month-on-month, citing consumer caution ahead of the announcement of Budget 2013. Nonetheless, the year-on-year sales growth will still be sizeable due to the seasonal sales slump in September 2011.”
Last week, MAA president Datuk Aishah Ahmad told StarBiz that consumers are postponing car purchases due to several factors, including expectations of goodies in the upcoming budget for the auto sector.
“Orders have slowed down a bit. We believe that people expect something will be announced at the budget,” Aishah was quoted as saying, adding that the MAA does not expect any significant announcement in Budget 2013 pertaining to the local auto sector.
For the first six months of 2012, total vehicle sales rose marginally by 1.4% to 301,224 units from 297,203 units a year earlier. The MAA has forecast total industry volume to hit 615,000 units for this year which, if achieved, would be a new record for the country.
Source : The Star
Date : 25 September 2012
Today's Pick (26/09/12/169/862)
afternoon highlight (25/09/12/165/640)Pandora fans can now find jewellery pieces at Mid Valley
Pandora fans can now find jewellery pieces at Mid Valley
JEWELLERY brand Pandora opened its doors at Mid Valley Megamall, Kuala Lumpur, marking its 14th outlet in Malaysia.
The store opening was officiated by Pandora Malaysia managing director Datin Zarida Noordin, chairman Datuk Meer Sadik Habib alongside celebrities Lisa Surihani and Scha Alyahya.
The event also coincides with the launch of the autumn collection at the boutique.
Organised chaos: Customers checking out the lastest jewellery at Pandora’s new branch at Mid Valley.
Focusing on the memories of autumn, the new collection focuses on the intricate and feminine details entitled “My Story, My Design”.
It is designed to look perfect on its own or when mixed and matched across the product range with symbols of life, love and luck.
The collection features warm and vibrant colours, a reflection of season to contrast of the striking silver cool shades and the warm hue of gold.
in charge: Zarida (left) and Meer Sadik showing the autumn collection at the new outlet.
Braided, beaded and twisted metal details are characteristics of the collection that added a sense of elegance and sophistication.
Enamelled rings decorated with engraved flowers and braided precious metal, are striking alone or stacked, and the beautiful simplicity of faceted Murano glass is transformed into sublime charms.
Pandora rings are made from 14 carat gold, two-tone and sterling silver.
The collection also has new faceted Murano charms that features warm and vibrant colours.
Safari-like: The autumn collection. features animal Murano.
Speaking at the launch, Zarida said “Pandorians” were a growing community as more people were embracing the jewellery.
“We started two years ago and within that period, we have opened our 14th outlet.
“This is a clear indication of Pandora’s growing popularity. We have been wanting to open an outlet in Mid Valley for a long time and we got a great location near the Centre Court.
“In two weeks’ time, we will be opening another outlet at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport, which will be a milestone for us as Pandora is considered to be one of the largest in the luxury brand group in Asia Pacific.
“Our quality, affordability, timeless design and attention to detail have made Pandora true to its core, so we hope to continue the tradition of customised jewellery,” she said.
She added the new autumn collection highlighted their commitment to offer all women timeless designs to cherish their journey of life.
Speaking about the brand’s growth, Meer Habib said Pandora was number two among the top jewellery brands in the world.
He said Malaysia alone has many fans even though Malaysia was one of only a few countries in Asia to have Pandora.
“Our average Pandorian is 40 years old but we do see a range from teenagers to 60-year-olds.
“After being in the industry for 30 years, we can see how people are more aware due to the way travelling and technology has evolved.
“With competitive prices and no taxation, we see even tourists buying Pandora.
“It is affordable. People are buying it as gift because gold prices have appreciated.
“This one of the reasons why we came up with the starter kit for the bracelet and charms, to get people into the jewellery,” he said.
Pandora boutiques are located at Bangsar Village II, Empire Shopping Gallery, Subang, 1 Mont’ Kiara, Mid Valley Megamall, Tropicana City Mall, Gurney Plaza, Penang, Setia City Mall, Shah Alam and The Spring Shopping Center, Sarawak, Suria Sabah with boutique kiosks at Pavilion Kuala Lumpur, Suria KLCC, Tangs 1 Utama and Pandora jewellery counters at the Ampang Point Habib showroom.
For details, visit
Source : The Star
Date : 24 September 2012
afternoon highlight (25/09/12/165/640)
JEWELLERY brand Pandora opened its doors at Mid Valley Megamall, Kuala Lumpur, marking its 14th outlet in Malaysia.
The store opening was officiated by Pandora Malaysia managing director Datin Zarida Noordin, chairman Datuk Meer Sadik Habib alongside celebrities Lisa Surihani and Scha Alyahya.
The event also coincides with the launch of the autumn collection at the boutique.
Organised chaos: Customers checking out the lastest jewellery at Pandora’s new branch at Mid Valley.
Focusing on the memories of autumn, the new collection focuses on the intricate and feminine details entitled “My Story, My Design”.
It is designed to look perfect on its own or when mixed and matched across the product range with symbols of life, love and luck.
The collection features warm and vibrant colours, a reflection of season to contrast of the striking silver cool shades and the warm hue of gold.
in charge: Zarida (left) and Meer Sadik showing the autumn collection at the new outlet.
Braided, beaded and twisted metal details are characteristics of the collection that added a sense of elegance and sophistication.
Enamelled rings decorated with engraved flowers and braided precious metal, are striking alone or stacked, and the beautiful simplicity of faceted Murano glass is transformed into sublime charms.
Pandora rings are made from 14 carat gold, two-tone and sterling silver.
The collection also has new faceted Murano charms that features warm and vibrant colours.
Safari-like: The autumn collection. features animal Murano.
Speaking at the launch, Zarida said “Pandorians” were a growing community as more people were embracing the jewellery.
“We started two years ago and within that period, we have opened our 14th outlet.
“This is a clear indication of Pandora’s growing popularity. We have been wanting to open an outlet in Mid Valley for a long time and we got a great location near the Centre Court.
“In two weeks’ time, we will be opening another outlet at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport, which will be a milestone for us as Pandora is considered to be one of the largest in the luxury brand group in Asia Pacific.
“Our quality, affordability, timeless design and attention to detail have made Pandora true to its core, so we hope to continue the tradition of customised jewellery,” she said.
She added the new autumn collection highlighted their commitment to offer all women timeless designs to cherish their journey of life.
Speaking about the brand’s growth, Meer Habib said Pandora was number two among the top jewellery brands in the world.
He said Malaysia alone has many fans even though Malaysia was one of only a few countries in Asia to have Pandora.
“Our average Pandorian is 40 years old but we do see a range from teenagers to 60-year-olds.
“After being in the industry for 30 years, we can see how people are more aware due to the way travelling and technology has evolved.
“With competitive prices and no taxation, we see even tourists buying Pandora.
“It is affordable. People are buying it as gift because gold prices have appreciated.
“This one of the reasons why we came up with the starter kit for the bracelet and charms, to get people into the jewellery,” he said.
Pandora boutiques are located at Bangsar Village II, Empire Shopping Gallery, Subang, 1 Mont’ Kiara, Mid Valley Megamall, Tropicana City Mall, Gurney Plaza, Penang, Setia City Mall, Shah Alam and The Spring Shopping Center, Sarawak, Suria Sabah with boutique kiosks at Pavilion Kuala Lumpur, Suria KLCC, Tangs 1 Utama and Pandora jewellery counters at the Ampang Point Habib showroom.
For details, visit
Source : The Star
Date : 24 September 2012
afternoon highlight (25/09/12/165/640)
Today's Pick (25/09/12/168/861) SMEs urged to enter Myanmar market
SMEs urged to enter Myanmar market
PETALING JAYA: Small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) should take the opportunity to enter the Myanmar market as there is little competition from multinational corporations (MNCs) at present, said CIMB Asean Research Institute chief executive officer John Pang.
“Many MNCs are interested to get into Myanmar as it is the fastest growing economy in the region, but they aren't able to enter the market as yet pending the establishment of foreign investment regulatory framework.
“Thus, SMEs have better chances to be present in Myanmar now as compared to MNCs because smaller businesses are more agile and able to operate in a slightly more uncertain environment,” he told StarBiz on the sideline after his presentation entitled Myanmar: The New Silk Road at the CIMB Asean SME Forum yesterday.
Pang anticipated Myanmar's economy to grow by 6% this year, 6.3% next year and 8% in the subsequent years after 2013 with the right macro management.
“Even without reform, they are growing very fast potentially at 8% in a few years, and that's a lot. What I find encouraging is that the political will behind this they want a reform and it's very clear,” he said.
In his presentation, Pang said Myanmar would be the biggest economic story this year and in the years to come.
“It's the last economic frontier in Asia where a new civilian government took over in March 2011 after 50 years of military rule.
“It's opening up politically and economically. And it is not so much a political risk issue but a capacity issue to enact law quickly,” he said.
In a little more than a year, the country has taken a dramatic series of economic and political reforms under the new government. Sanctions have been lifted, diplomatic ties renewed, international organisations are re-engaging with the country and international investors have been flocking to get into Asia's newest emerging market.
And for SMEs, Pang said, there were opportunities in retail, trading, tourism and services.
“But, it's not clear-cut on how to conduct business there. Some sectors you may need a local joint-venture partner until their foreign investment law is up but in some areas there are special exemptions.”
Source : The Star
Date : 25 September 2012
Today's Pick (25/09/12/168/861)
PETALING JAYA: Small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) should take the opportunity to enter the Myanmar market as there is little competition from multinational corporations (MNCs) at present, said CIMB Asean Research Institute chief executive officer John Pang.
“Many MNCs are interested to get into Myanmar as it is the fastest growing economy in the region, but they aren't able to enter the market as yet pending the establishment of foreign investment regulatory framework.
“Thus, SMEs have better chances to be present in Myanmar now as compared to MNCs because smaller businesses are more agile and able to operate in a slightly more uncertain environment,” he told StarBiz on the sideline after his presentation entitled Myanmar: The New Silk Road at the CIMB Asean SME Forum yesterday.
Pang anticipated Myanmar's economy to grow by 6% this year, 6.3% next year and 8% in the subsequent years after 2013 with the right macro management.
“Even without reform, they are growing very fast potentially at 8% in a few years, and that's a lot. What I find encouraging is that the political will behind this they want a reform and it's very clear,” he said.
In his presentation, Pang said Myanmar would be the biggest economic story this year and in the years to come.
“It's the last economic frontier in Asia where a new civilian government took over in March 2011 after 50 years of military rule.
“It's opening up politically and economically. And it is not so much a political risk issue but a capacity issue to enact law quickly,” he said.
In a little more than a year, the country has taken a dramatic series of economic and political reforms under the new government. Sanctions have been lifted, diplomatic ties renewed, international organisations are re-engaging with the country and international investors have been flocking to get into Asia's newest emerging market.
And for SMEs, Pang said, there were opportunities in retail, trading, tourism and services.
“But, it's not clear-cut on how to conduct business there. Some sectors you may need a local joint-venture partner until their foreign investment law is up but in some areas there are special exemptions.”
Source : The Star
Date : 25 September 2012
Today's Pick (25/09/12/168/861)
afternoon highlight (24/09/12/164/639)In Ipoh property boom prices up more than 30%, on par with KL and Penang
In Ipoh property boom prices up more than 30%, on par with KL and Penang
IPOH: The prices of properties in Ipoh have skyrocketed in prime locations to be almost on par with those in Kuala Lumpur and Penang.
“Ipoh is now bustling with activities. There is no sign of prices coming down,” said Oriental Realty agent Gladwin Agilan.
Gladwin said the demand was not only for new developments but in the secondary market.
Among the factors that have contribute to the upward trend in the demand for properties were better transport facilities including direct flights to Singapore, the electric train service, the state being an education hub and a high number of foreign companies investing in the state.
Condominiums or high-rise apartments, once considered unprofitable, are now in demand as people look for amenities such as swimming pools, gymnasium, and restaurants at their doorsteps.
The prices of properties in Canning Gardens have been increasing by 10% annually for the past three years.
He said people chose to own properties in the area due to its location, which is near the city, and because of its freehold status.
Gladwin, who is the head of the sales division, said the latest transaction showed the price of land was RM144 per sq ft for a single-storey semi-detached house.
“Surprisingly these houses are purchased by Perakians who are in their late 30s to mid-40s.
“Many of them have returned to their hometown due to better job opportunities.
“Foreign companies such as Vale iron ore distribution centre in Teluk Rubiah have also created demand,” he said.
The type of residential units being sought after has also changed. There is demand for condominiums, gated-and-guarded landed properties as well as properties that have easy access to amenities.
One of the many new developments in Ipoh – The Enclave along Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah is sought after.
Gladwin said new developments such as the Haven Lakeside Residences in Tambun, Meru Hills in Meru Valley and The Enclave along Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, Somerset at Thompson off Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, Casa Bintang near the Ipoh Swimming Club in Jalan Raja Dr Nazrin Shah, were gaining popularity.
He added that developments were now taking place in the outskirts such as Klebang, Kledang, Pasir Putih and Sunway in Tambun.
Gladwin said the perception of owning a property in Ipoh, and not being able to rent out was incorrect as the demand for rented housing was overwhelming especially in Meru Valley and the Sunway area.
“Foreigners working in the state prefer to stay in bungalows or condos in such serene areas.
“It offers a higher yield of between 7% and 10%, which is considered good, as only commercial properties offer such attractive returns,” he added.
He said besides Ipoh, the next upcoming market is Manjung, located about 90km from the city. Other potential areas for development included Lumut, Teluk Batik and Pangkor.
Another real estate agent P.Ranganathan agreed that the prices of properties were going up in certain parts of the city.
He said the prices of property had increased by up to 30% in the last three years.
“Those that have made up their mind to purchase properties in the city should do so fast as the prices of building materials are increasing.
“With steel bars and other building materials on the rise, the prices of properties are also expected to increase,” he added.
Datuk Bandar Datuk Roshidi Hashim said the skyline of Ipoh would change by 2014.
He said this was visible from the rapid development that was taking shape in the city.
“We are expecting more development to take place in the city,” he said.
Source : The Star
Date : 24 September 2012
afternoon highlight (24/09/12/164/639)
IPOH: The prices of properties in Ipoh have skyrocketed in prime locations to be almost on par with those in Kuala Lumpur and Penang.
“Ipoh is now bustling with activities. There is no sign of prices coming down,” said Oriental Realty agent Gladwin Agilan.
Gladwin said the demand was not only for new developments but in the secondary market.
Among the factors that have contribute to the upward trend in the demand for properties were better transport facilities including direct flights to Singapore, the electric train service, the state being an education hub and a high number of foreign companies investing in the state.
Condominiums or high-rise apartments, once considered unprofitable, are now in demand as people look for amenities such as swimming pools, gymnasium, and restaurants at their doorsteps.
The prices of properties in Canning Gardens have been increasing by 10% annually for the past three years.
He said people chose to own properties in the area due to its location, which is near the city, and because of its freehold status.
Gladwin, who is the head of the sales division, said the latest transaction showed the price of land was RM144 per sq ft for a single-storey semi-detached house.
“Surprisingly these houses are purchased by Perakians who are in their late 30s to mid-40s.
“Many of them have returned to their hometown due to better job opportunities.
“Foreign companies such as Vale iron ore distribution centre in Teluk Rubiah have also created demand,” he said.
The type of residential units being sought after has also changed. There is demand for condominiums, gated-and-guarded landed properties as well as properties that have easy access to amenities.
One of the many new developments in Ipoh – The Enclave along Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah is sought after.
Gladwin said new developments such as the Haven Lakeside Residences in Tambun, Meru Hills in Meru Valley and The Enclave along Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, Somerset at Thompson off Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, Casa Bintang near the Ipoh Swimming Club in Jalan Raja Dr Nazrin Shah, were gaining popularity.
He added that developments were now taking place in the outskirts such as Klebang, Kledang, Pasir Putih and Sunway in Tambun.
Gladwin said the perception of owning a property in Ipoh, and not being able to rent out was incorrect as the demand for rented housing was overwhelming especially in Meru Valley and the Sunway area.
“Foreigners working in the state prefer to stay in bungalows or condos in such serene areas.
“It offers a higher yield of between 7% and 10%, which is considered good, as only commercial properties offer such attractive returns,” he added.
He said besides Ipoh, the next upcoming market is Manjung, located about 90km from the city. Other potential areas for development included Lumut, Teluk Batik and Pangkor.
Another real estate agent P.Ranganathan agreed that the prices of properties were going up in certain parts of the city.
He said the prices of property had increased by up to 30% in the last three years.
“Those that have made up their mind to purchase properties in the city should do so fast as the prices of building materials are increasing.
“With steel bars and other building materials on the rise, the prices of properties are also expected to increase,” he added.
Datuk Bandar Datuk Roshidi Hashim said the skyline of Ipoh would change by 2014.
He said this was visible from the rapid development that was taking shape in the city.
“We are expecting more development to take place in the city,” he said.
Source : The Star
Date : 24 September 2012
afternoon highlight (24/09/12/164/639)
Today's Pick (24/09/12/167/860)Developers want to hand over the baton
Developers want to hand over the baton
Private developers want the government to take over the responsibility of building low-cost houses, but say they are willing to partly contribute to such projects.
Glomac Bhd's group managing director and chief executive officer Datuk FD Iskandar said this role can be taken up by Syarikat Perumahan Negara Bhd (SPNB), a government-owned entity.
SPNB, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Minister of Finance Inc, was established in 1997 with the objective of building quality affordable homes.
However, Iskandar said, SPNB should not be left on its own to raise fund for the low-cost homes. Developers should partly contribute to such projects as part of their social obligation.
Iskandar is also the Real Estate and Housing Developers' Association deputy president.
Towards this end, he suggested that developers pay certain amount to be channeled to SPNB, in lieu of not building such homes.
"There is already a formula in Kuala Lumpur where for every low-cost (unit) developers don't build, they have to pay to Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL).
"For example, say you have to build 100 low-cost units and you don't want to build them ... In lieu of not building them, for each of the low-cost unit, you have to pay RM3,250 to DBKL.
The money collected should be channeled to SPNB so that it can build low-cost units elsewhere, he added.
He said it makes sense for the government to build affordable houses for the lower income group, with private developers helping with the funding.
Private developers lose RM15,000 to RM50,000 for each low-cost unit they have built. "Stop, don't ask us to build anymore low-cost (units) as the demand is no more there," he told Business Times in an interview recently.
Iskandar said private developers do not try to run away from their social obligation, noting that they have, in fact, over-achieved in delivering the low-cost housing targets.
The government, in 1982, imposed the 30 per cent low-cost housing quota on developers as a social obligation. Since then, developers have been building low-, low-medium and medium-cost houses at prices that have been maintained at between RM42,000 and RM99,000 each.
Under the Eighth Malaysia Plan (2001-2005), developers built more than double the target 40,000 units by delivering a total of 97,294 houses.
Between 2006 and 2010 under the Ninth Malaysia Plan, developers again exceeded the target by building 78,500 compared with 77,700 imposed by the government.
"For the hardcore and urban poor, they cannot buy a house (even) at RM42,000 as they don't have the capacity to buy at that price," said Iskandar.
He noted that places like Bukit Beruntung, Klang, Semenyih and Bukit Sentosa have thousands of low-cost units priced at RM42,000, which are empty.
"Today, when the low-cost houses are auctioned, they're only sold at RM12,000 to RM15,000 ... so there is no demand," he said.
Furthermore, he said, what is more worrying is that most low-cost apartments in Malaysia are not well maintained.
Iskandar said the registration and distribution system of low-cost housing leaves much to be desired, with many units not fully taken up by low-income households.
"As business entities, we have to meet profit expectations of shareholders as well, and building homes and selling them at RM42,000 or below is certainly not going to help meet those expectations," he said.
Source : New Straits Times
Date : 24 September 2012
Today's Pick (24/09/12/167/860)
Private developers want the government to take over the responsibility of building low-cost houses, but say they are willing to partly contribute to such projects.
Glomac Bhd's group managing director and chief executive officer Datuk FD Iskandar said this role can be taken up by Syarikat Perumahan Negara Bhd (SPNB), a government-owned entity.
SPNB, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Minister of Finance Inc, was established in 1997 with the objective of building quality affordable homes.
However, Iskandar said, SPNB should not be left on its own to raise fund for the low-cost homes. Developers should partly contribute to such projects as part of their social obligation.
Iskandar is also the Real Estate and Housing Developers' Association deputy president.
Towards this end, he suggested that developers pay certain amount to be channeled to SPNB, in lieu of not building such homes.
"There is already a formula in Kuala Lumpur where for every low-cost (unit) developers don't build, they have to pay to Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL).
"For example, say you have to build 100 low-cost units and you don't want to build them ... In lieu of not building them, for each of the low-cost unit, you have to pay RM3,250 to DBKL.
The money collected should be channeled to SPNB so that it can build low-cost units elsewhere, he added.
He said it makes sense for the government to build affordable houses for the lower income group, with private developers helping with the funding.
Private developers lose RM15,000 to RM50,000 for each low-cost unit they have built. "Stop, don't ask us to build anymore low-cost (units) as the demand is no more there," he told Business Times in an interview recently.
Iskandar said private developers do not try to run away from their social obligation, noting that they have, in fact, over-achieved in delivering the low-cost housing targets.
The government, in 1982, imposed the 30 per cent low-cost housing quota on developers as a social obligation. Since then, developers have been building low-, low-medium and medium-cost houses at prices that have been maintained at between RM42,000 and RM99,000 each.
Under the Eighth Malaysia Plan (2001-2005), developers built more than double the target 40,000 units by delivering a total of 97,294 houses.
Between 2006 and 2010 under the Ninth Malaysia Plan, developers again exceeded the target by building 78,500 compared with 77,700 imposed by the government.
"For the hardcore and urban poor, they cannot buy a house (even) at RM42,000 as they don't have the capacity to buy at that price," said Iskandar.
He noted that places like Bukit Beruntung, Klang, Semenyih and Bukit Sentosa have thousands of low-cost units priced at RM42,000, which are empty.
"Today, when the low-cost houses are auctioned, they're only sold at RM12,000 to RM15,000 ... so there is no demand," he said.
Furthermore, he said, what is more worrying is that most low-cost apartments in Malaysia are not well maintained.
Iskandar said the registration and distribution system of low-cost housing leaves much to be desired, with many units not fully taken up by low-income households.
"As business entities, we have to meet profit expectations of shareholders as well, and building homes and selling them at RM42,000 or below is certainly not going to help meet those expectations," he said.
Source : New Straits Times
Date : 24 September 2012
Today's Pick (24/09/12/167/860)
afternoon highlight (21/09/12/163/638) DRB-HICOM plans Asean car
DRB-HICOM plans Asean car
'Year 2020 is the earliest possible date which we may come out with an Asean car,' says DRB-HICOM's group managing director
DRB-HICOM Bhd, the country's biggest automotive company, is planning to come out with an Asean car by as early as 2020, its group managing director Datuk Mohd Khamil Jamil said.
Mohd Khamil told this to Business Times on the sidelines of the company's annual general meeting yesterday.
"Year 2020 is the earliest possible date which we may come out with an Asean car," Mohd Khamil said, adding that the Asean car concept is one of the long-term projects which the company is looking into.
In January this year, DRB-HICOM told the stock exchange that one of the reasons it was buying Proton Holdings Bhd was because it could help develop Proton's presence in the regional market as an Asean car.
DRB-HICOM bought a 42.7 per cent stake in Proton from Khazanah Nasional Bhd for RM1.29 billion, and subsequently took the company private.
According to Frost & Sullivan in an August report, the Asean region is tipped to become the sixth biggest automotive market in the world by 2018.
The report stated that by 2018, vehicle sales in the region is expected to grow to 4.7 million units, versus 2.4 million units sold in 2011.
Despite the huge appetite to own automobiles, the region does not have a single homegrown car that is able to stamp its mark in the region.
Rather, countries in the region such as Malaysia and Thailand have been making a name for themselves by helping assemble cars from as far away as Germany and Japan.
Thailand has gotten so good at it that today it is known as the "Detroit of the East".
With this in mind, Mohd Khamil said, DRB-HICOM had started initial discussions with a few foreign strategic partners to pair up with national carmaker Proton.
He explained that the tie-up could be on many areas such as platform-sharing, and factory space utilisation.
Meanwhile, analysts who had met the DRB-HICOM management team in August, opined that exporting vehicles to the Asean region is important as it will help mitigate the impact of a staturated car market on the home front.
One of the major advantages for DRB-HICOM is that its key partners, namely Japan's Honda Motor Co and Volkswagen AG, have chosen Malaysia as their regional manufacturing hub.
The Japanese carmaker said in June that it plans to make Malaysia its regional hub for the manufacture of hybrids like the Jazz and the Insight, while a year ago, Germany's Volkswagen said that it had picked Pekan as its regional hub.
According to HwangDBS, DRB-HICOM is also in talks with major automotive players to acquire startegic stakes in Proton's Tanjong Malim plant.
Source : New Straits Times
Date : 21 September 2012
afternoon highlight (21/09/12/163/638)
'Year 2020 is the earliest possible date which we may come out with an Asean car,' says DRB-HICOM's group managing director
DRB-HICOM Bhd, the country's biggest automotive company, is planning to come out with an Asean car by as early as 2020, its group managing director Datuk Mohd Khamil Jamil said.
Mohd Khamil told this to Business Times on the sidelines of the company's annual general meeting yesterday.
"Year 2020 is the earliest possible date which we may come out with an Asean car," Mohd Khamil said, adding that the Asean car concept is one of the long-term projects which the company is looking into.
In January this year, DRB-HICOM told the stock exchange that one of the reasons it was buying Proton Holdings Bhd was because it could help develop Proton's presence in the regional market as an Asean car.
DRB-HICOM bought a 42.7 per cent stake in Proton from Khazanah Nasional Bhd for RM1.29 billion, and subsequently took the company private.
According to Frost & Sullivan in an August report, the Asean region is tipped to become the sixth biggest automotive market in the world by 2018.
The report stated that by 2018, vehicle sales in the region is expected to grow to 4.7 million units, versus 2.4 million units sold in 2011.
Despite the huge appetite to own automobiles, the region does not have a single homegrown car that is able to stamp its mark in the region.
Rather, countries in the region such as Malaysia and Thailand have been making a name for themselves by helping assemble cars from as far away as Germany and Japan.
Thailand has gotten so good at it that today it is known as the "Detroit of the East".
With this in mind, Mohd Khamil said, DRB-HICOM had started initial discussions with a few foreign strategic partners to pair up with national carmaker Proton.
He explained that the tie-up could be on many areas such as platform-sharing, and factory space utilisation.
Meanwhile, analysts who had met the DRB-HICOM management team in August, opined that exporting vehicles to the Asean region is important as it will help mitigate the impact of a staturated car market on the home front.
One of the major advantages for DRB-HICOM is that its key partners, namely Japan's Honda Motor Co and Volkswagen AG, have chosen Malaysia as their regional manufacturing hub.
The Japanese carmaker said in June that it plans to make Malaysia its regional hub for the manufacture of hybrids like the Jazz and the Insight, while a year ago, Germany's Volkswagen said that it had picked Pekan as its regional hub.
According to HwangDBS, DRB-HICOM is also in talks with major automotive players to acquire startegic stakes in Proton's Tanjong Malim plant.
Source : New Straits Times
Date : 21 September 2012
afternoon highlight (21/09/12/163/638)
Today's Pick (21/09/12/167/860) Call to introduce Goods and Services Tax in M'sia now
Call to introduce Goods and Services Tax in M'sia now
It’s timely as Malaysia still enjoys fairly strong economic growth
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia should introduce the Goods and Services Tax (GST) now as the country is still enjoying a fairly strong economic growth.
Wan Heng Choon, senior executive director, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Taxation, said while Malaysia was still enjoying reasonable rates of growth and bringing its budget deficit under control, now would be the best time to introduce the tax.
He said there were calls for the GST to be implemented after a grace period of at least 12 to 18 months after it was announced and there were concerns that the tax would cause inflation. “In this respect, there must be a commitment to assist the lower income group. There is a need to make the tax simple to understand,” Wan said during a briefing on Budget 2013.
Meanwhile, PwC Taxation senior executive director Jagdev Singh said Malaysia's economy remained positive but highly uncertain and “this fits into the global picture” in tandem with the uncertainty caused by the eurozone debt crisis, mixed but generally weak economic growth amongst advanced nations and slowing growth in Asia.
Jagdev said there were a number of challenges in the Malaysian economy such as managing the fiscal deficit. “The fiscal deficit has been running for the 15th straight year.”
“What is important now is to bring it down to something more manageable,” he added.
Jagdev said the Government's target to reduce the deficit to 3% by 2015 is achievable, helped by the its revenue growth.
In this respect, he said the Government's direct tax for 2012 would likely increase 10% to 15% from the previous year.
“The target of 3% is achievable but the Government needs to put in some measures to control cost,” he said.
The other factor that would have major impact on fiscal deficit, he said, was subsidy, which accounted for almost 20% of governnemnt spending. For instance, the fuel subsidy was estimated at RM20bil last year. - Bernama
Source : The star
Date : 21 Sep 2012
Today's Pick (21/09/12/167/860)
It’s timely as Malaysia still enjoys fairly strong economic growth
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia should introduce the Goods and Services Tax (GST) now as the country is still enjoying a fairly strong economic growth.
Wan Heng Choon, senior executive director, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Taxation, said while Malaysia was still enjoying reasonable rates of growth and bringing its budget deficit under control, now would be the best time to introduce the tax.
He said there were calls for the GST to be implemented after a grace period of at least 12 to 18 months after it was announced and there were concerns that the tax would cause inflation. “In this respect, there must be a commitment to assist the lower income group. There is a need to make the tax simple to understand,” Wan said during a briefing on Budget 2013.
Meanwhile, PwC Taxation senior executive director Jagdev Singh said Malaysia's economy remained positive but highly uncertain and “this fits into the global picture” in tandem with the uncertainty caused by the eurozone debt crisis, mixed but generally weak economic growth amongst advanced nations and slowing growth in Asia.
Jagdev said there were a number of challenges in the Malaysian economy such as managing the fiscal deficit. “The fiscal deficit has been running for the 15th straight year.”
“What is important now is to bring it down to something more manageable,” he added.
Jagdev said the Government's target to reduce the deficit to 3% by 2015 is achievable, helped by the its revenue growth.
In this respect, he said the Government's direct tax for 2012 would likely increase 10% to 15% from the previous year.
“The target of 3% is achievable but the Government needs to put in some measures to control cost,” he said.
The other factor that would have major impact on fiscal deficit, he said, was subsidy, which accounted for almost 20% of governnemnt spending. For instance, the fuel subsidy was estimated at RM20bil last year. - Bernama
Source : The star
Date : 21 Sep 2012
Today's Pick (21/09/12/167/860)
afternoon highlight (20/09/12/162/637) PJ City Food Bank all set to open
PJ City Food Bank all set to open
NOBLE OBJECTIVES: Petaling Jaya City Council aims to reduce food waste and help the poor with new project
Donated food items stored at the PJ City Food Bank which will be launched soon.
KUALA LUMPUR: THE Petaling Jaya City Council is now putting the final touches to the PJ City Food Bank. The project, which collects food items from the public to be distributed to the poor, is an initiative under the Petaling Jaya Local Agenda 21 and a collaborative effort between the local council and National Solid Waste Management Department.
The council has rented a business centre in Section 8 here for the purpose.
A recent Streets check showed the food bank filled with packaged food, resembling a warehouse.
Among the food items stored there were donated by hypermarkets such as Dutch Lady Milk Industries Bhd, Nestle Products Sdn Bhd and Tesco Stores (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.
Bakeries such as Cherry Cake House will be contributing pastries and other food items to the bank.
A van donated by Syarikat Kayu Nasi Kandar will be used to help distribute the food items to the poor and needy in the city. Students from Saito College helped to produce the logo and designs for the food bank van.
Mayor Datuk Mohamad Roslan Sakiman was moved to set up the food bank after listening to an educational and informative talk by The National Coordinator from Ministry of Housing and Local Government Dr Theng Lee Chong on the subject.
Planning and Development department assistant director Nazihah Jaafar said the initial idea was to gather food that was nearing its expiry date to be distributed to the needy in the city.
"We initially wanted to gather food nearing the expiry date to be channelled to the poor. However, we will first start with the dry packaged food items," she said.
The council has two staff members and one driver in charge of the food bank.
"We have staff to conduct food inventory and inspect the food quality," said Nazihah.
The project has 60 registered volunteers.
The food bank concept is widely practised in countries such as Japan, Australia and Singapore, said Nazihah.
She said many food outlets were not keen to donate food close to the expiry date. However, in the second phase, the council might distribute food close to the expiry date.
Source : New Straits Times
Date : 20 September 2012
Today's Pick (20/09/12/166/859)
NOBLE OBJECTIVES: Petaling Jaya City Council aims to reduce food waste and help the poor with new project
Donated food items stored at the PJ City Food Bank which will be launched soon.
KUALA LUMPUR: THE Petaling Jaya City Council is now putting the final touches to the PJ City Food Bank. The project, which collects food items from the public to be distributed to the poor, is an initiative under the Petaling Jaya Local Agenda 21 and a collaborative effort between the local council and National Solid Waste Management Department.
The council has rented a business centre in Section 8 here for the purpose.
A recent Streets check showed the food bank filled with packaged food, resembling a warehouse.
Among the food items stored there were donated by hypermarkets such as Dutch Lady Milk Industries Bhd, Nestle Products Sdn Bhd and Tesco Stores (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.
Bakeries such as Cherry Cake House will be contributing pastries and other food items to the bank.
A van donated by Syarikat Kayu Nasi Kandar will be used to help distribute the food items to the poor and needy in the city. Students from Saito College helped to produce the logo and designs for the food bank van.
Mayor Datuk Mohamad Roslan Sakiman was moved to set up the food bank after listening to an educational and informative talk by The National Coordinator from Ministry of Housing and Local Government Dr Theng Lee Chong on the subject.
Planning and Development department assistant director Nazihah Jaafar said the initial idea was to gather food that was nearing its expiry date to be distributed to the needy in the city.
"We initially wanted to gather food nearing the expiry date to be channelled to the poor. However, we will first start with the dry packaged food items," she said.
The council has two staff members and one driver in charge of the food bank.
"We have staff to conduct food inventory and inspect the food quality," said Nazihah.
The project has 60 registered volunteers.
The food bank concept is widely practised in countries such as Japan, Australia and Singapore, said Nazihah.
She said many food outlets were not keen to donate food close to the expiry date. However, in the second phase, the council might distribute food close to the expiry date.
Source : New Straits Times
Date : 20 September 2012
Today's Pick (20/09/12/166/859)
Today's Pick (20/09/12/166/859) Zeti: Three factors will ensure sustainability
Zeti: Three factors will ensure sustainability
KUALA LUMPUR: The new horizon that is emerging is the rapid internationalisation in Islamic finance that needs to be strongly underpinned by three key factors to ensure its sustainability, according to Bank Negara governor Tan Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz.
First, she said the wide range of global supply of high quality Islamic financial products and services that were able to meet the requirements of international businesses.
“In this phase of growing international transactions, Islamic finance needs to be dynamic and innovative, with an emphasis on the development of diversified and comprehensive syariah-compliant financial solutions to meet the differentiated needs of various businesses, including the requirements of international businesses and thus facilitate cross-border investments.”
Second is having diverse and dynamic intermediaries and market participants that have a global focus.
“This includes having Islamic banking, takaful and capital market players that venture beyond domestic boundaries to tap global opportunities,’’ she said in her opening address at the GIFF 2012.
Zeti said global ancillary services that were proficient in syariah also had an important role in providing supportive professional services for such intermediaries and market players to effectively embark on cross-border activities.
She added that having the required talent was another imperative in steering the Islamic financial sector towards increased internationalisation.
The new financial landscape would require world-class business talent and boards with knowledge of the risks associated with internationalisation, she said.
Third, Zeti said effective linkages and connections between global financial markets would be facilitated by business enablers, particularly in the area of legislation, taxation and regulation.
The new global landscape of growing cross-border financial flows between regions that had national and cultural differences also underscored the need for enhanced recognition and understanding of practices in the different jurisdictions, she added.
Meanwhile. Turkey Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan, when presenting his public lecture, stressed the importance of structural reforms, saying that fiscal or monetary expansion was not an alternative to structural reforms.
He said whatever expansion taken should be accompanied by a medium-term credible programme for normalisation.
“We cannot continue with the excessive balance sheet of central banks forever and with an excessive budget deficit.
“If there is a short-term implementation of the expansion, it should be accompanied with a medium-term consolidation programme and a clear exit strategy,” he added.
Source : The Star
Date : 20 September 2012 Today's Pick (20/09/12/166/859)
KUALA LUMPUR: The new horizon that is emerging is the rapid internationalisation in Islamic finance that needs to be strongly underpinned by three key factors to ensure its sustainability, according to Bank Negara governor Tan Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz.
First, she said the wide range of global supply of high quality Islamic financial products and services that were able to meet the requirements of international businesses.
“In this phase of growing international transactions, Islamic finance needs to be dynamic and innovative, with an emphasis on the development of diversified and comprehensive syariah-compliant financial solutions to meet the differentiated needs of various businesses, including the requirements of international businesses and thus facilitate cross-border investments.”
Second is having diverse and dynamic intermediaries and market participants that have a global focus.
“This includes having Islamic banking, takaful and capital market players that venture beyond domestic boundaries to tap global opportunities,’’ she said in her opening address at the GIFF 2012.
Zeti said global ancillary services that were proficient in syariah also had an important role in providing supportive professional services for such intermediaries and market players to effectively embark on cross-border activities.
She added that having the required talent was another imperative in steering the Islamic financial sector towards increased internationalisation.
The new financial landscape would require world-class business talent and boards with knowledge of the risks associated with internationalisation, she said.
Third, Zeti said effective linkages and connections between global financial markets would be facilitated by business enablers, particularly in the area of legislation, taxation and regulation.
The new global landscape of growing cross-border financial flows between regions that had national and cultural differences also underscored the need for enhanced recognition and understanding of practices in the different jurisdictions, she added.
Meanwhile. Turkey Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan, when presenting his public lecture, stressed the importance of structural reforms, saying that fiscal or monetary expansion was not an alternative to structural reforms.
He said whatever expansion taken should be accompanied by a medium-term credible programme for normalisation.
“We cannot continue with the excessive balance sheet of central banks forever and with an excessive budget deficit.
“If there is a short-term implementation of the expansion, it should be accompanied with a medium-term consolidation programme and a clear exit strategy,” he added.
Source : The Star
Date : 20 September 2012 Today's Pick (20/09/12/166/859)
afternoon highlight (19/09/12/161/636) Strong brands raise Malaysia's economic profile
Strong brands raise Malaysia's economic profile
BUILDING IMAGE: Leading names help country exhibit credentials to global business community
MALAYSIA has clear objectives to develop its economy and build world-beating businesses.
A stable macro-economic and political base has provided a platform for Malaysian brands, as the country has emerged strongly from the recent financial crisis, ready to expand across the world.
Brands contribute to building the economic profile of their home countries in several ways: as well as generating income directly, they raise the profile of a country, promote its abilities in goods and services, and enable it to exhibit its credentials at the cutting edge of business practice.
Strong brands capture and project these values to immediate consumers and wider opinion-formers in the government and the media.
For example, the recent purchase of Battersea Power Station in London by a consortium led by SP Setia Bhd and Sime Darby Bhd has raised Malaysia's profile and international image.
The fact that Malaysian brands have had the vision to take on such a challenging project has impressed London's business community and built value in brand Malaysia.
Other leading Malaysian brands are developing the country's brand image in a number of ways - by illustrating their brands' relevance to cutting-edge consumer trends, developing differentiation and authenticity, and innovative use of new marketing media.
Relevance is one of Interbrand's key brand strength factors - is the brand's positioning aligned with the needs of its consumers?
Consumer needs are continually evolving, and companies need to be nimble to adapt their brand portfolios and stay current.
AirAsia is one Malaysian brand that has shown this ability. Despite battling increasing fuel rates, the airline has been able to consistently provide low-cost travel to the region. In 2011, they added 21 new routes, providing more consumers around the region the ability to travel further.
The airline has also shown a commitment to quality standards that consumers have come to expect, winning Skytrack's world's best low-cost airline from 2009 to 2011.
Investment in brand touchpoints is a vital part of consumer satisfaction, and AirAsia's investment in new planes and options for Malaysian food and entertainment shows an understanding of the complete consumer experience.
Being responsive to consumer trends is also an integral necessity for any brand and is an area that F&N has been able to achieve.
Despite being founded 128 years ago, the company has responded to consumer's growing demand for healthier products with its "Pure enjoyment, Pure Goodness" message in a 2011 campaign, launching 100Plus in Thailand to increase the sports drink's range.
F&N's continued investment in refreshing the image of its products has allowed the company to weather the years and remain an important player in the beverage industry.
Another important factor is authenticity. Consumers expect brands to be true to who they are, and this sense of identity can be drawn from a brand's home origins.
Authenticity needs to be felt as much as claimed. For instance, OldTown White Coffee offers consumers a taste of a special brew of white coffee created in a Malaysian coffee shop that embodies the relaxed, friendly and sincere side of Malaysian culture.
Contemporary brands also need to be aware of the need to use digital media. Consumers expect brands to be responsive to their enquiries - and are quick to voice their opinions if they are not. Not only this means that the distinction between online and offline branding is disappearing, it also indicates that the distinction between national and international brands has vanished.
This is both a challenge and an opportunity. Malaysian brands now have an equal platform to promote themselves to the world through Facebook, Linked-in, Twitter and their own websites.
CIMB is one brand that has excelled in this area, boasting one million Facebook fans and has an online channel for feedback and complaints via Twitter.
Its digital efforts have been recognised by the industry, having been awarded the Best Social Media Engagement in Asia, Africa and the Gulf by The Asian Bank. It was also named the Best Internet Bank in Malaysia by the Global Finance Magazine in 2011.
Brands can help build Malaysia's economic and profile by developing relevant, differentiated and authentic experiences that can appeal to consumers across the world.
By looking at who they are and basing their brands on a truth derived from local experiences, brands can provide a showcase of Malaysia's unique skills and culture.
Robert Allen is an associate director, brand strategy, of Interbrand Singapore
Source : New Straits Times
Date : 18 September 2012
afternoon highlight (19/09/12/161/636)
BUILDING IMAGE: Leading names help country exhibit credentials to global business community
MALAYSIA has clear objectives to develop its economy and build world-beating businesses.
A stable macro-economic and political base has provided a platform for Malaysian brands, as the country has emerged strongly from the recent financial crisis, ready to expand across the world.
Brands contribute to building the economic profile of their home countries in several ways: as well as generating income directly, they raise the profile of a country, promote its abilities in goods and services, and enable it to exhibit its credentials at the cutting edge of business practice.
Strong brands capture and project these values to immediate consumers and wider opinion-formers in the government and the media.
For example, the recent purchase of Battersea Power Station in London by a consortium led by SP Setia Bhd and Sime Darby Bhd has raised Malaysia's profile and international image.
The fact that Malaysian brands have had the vision to take on such a challenging project has impressed London's business community and built value in brand Malaysia.
Other leading Malaysian brands are developing the country's brand image in a number of ways - by illustrating their brands' relevance to cutting-edge consumer trends, developing differentiation and authenticity, and innovative use of new marketing media.
Relevance is one of Interbrand's key brand strength factors - is the brand's positioning aligned with the needs of its consumers?
Consumer needs are continually evolving, and companies need to be nimble to adapt their brand portfolios and stay current.
AirAsia is one Malaysian brand that has shown this ability. Despite battling increasing fuel rates, the airline has been able to consistently provide low-cost travel to the region. In 2011, they added 21 new routes, providing more consumers around the region the ability to travel further.
The airline has also shown a commitment to quality standards that consumers have come to expect, winning Skytrack's world's best low-cost airline from 2009 to 2011.
Investment in brand touchpoints is a vital part of consumer satisfaction, and AirAsia's investment in new planes and options for Malaysian food and entertainment shows an understanding of the complete consumer experience.
Being responsive to consumer trends is also an integral necessity for any brand and is an area that F&N has been able to achieve.
Despite being founded 128 years ago, the company has responded to consumer's growing demand for healthier products with its "Pure enjoyment, Pure Goodness" message in a 2011 campaign, launching 100Plus in Thailand to increase the sports drink's range.
F&N's continued investment in refreshing the image of its products has allowed the company to weather the years and remain an important player in the beverage industry.
Another important factor is authenticity. Consumers expect brands to be true to who they are, and this sense of identity can be drawn from a brand's home origins.
Authenticity needs to be felt as much as claimed. For instance, OldTown White Coffee offers consumers a taste of a special brew of white coffee created in a Malaysian coffee shop that embodies the relaxed, friendly and sincere side of Malaysian culture.
Contemporary brands also need to be aware of the need to use digital media. Consumers expect brands to be responsive to their enquiries - and are quick to voice their opinions if they are not. Not only this means that the distinction between online and offline branding is disappearing, it also indicates that the distinction between national and international brands has vanished.
This is both a challenge and an opportunity. Malaysian brands now have an equal platform to promote themselves to the world through Facebook, Linked-in, Twitter and their own websites.
CIMB is one brand that has excelled in this area, boasting one million Facebook fans and has an online channel for feedback and complaints via Twitter.
Its digital efforts have been recognised by the industry, having been awarded the Best Social Media Engagement in Asia, Africa and the Gulf by The Asian Bank. It was also named the Best Internet Bank in Malaysia by the Global Finance Magazine in 2011.
Brands can help build Malaysia's economic and profile by developing relevant, differentiated and authentic experiences that can appeal to consumers across the world.
By looking at who they are and basing their brands on a truth derived from local experiences, brands can provide a showcase of Malaysia's unique skills and culture.
Robert Allen is an associate director, brand strategy, of Interbrand Singapore
Source : New Straits Times
Date : 18 September 2012
afternoon highlight (19/09/12/161/636)
Today's Pick (19/09/12/165/858) AIM dedah formula kejayaan
AIM dedah formula kejayaan
Kuala Lumpur: Model Kewangan Mikro yang dipraktikkan Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM) menjadi tunjang utama yang membolehkan institut kewangan mikro itu bertahan sehingga 25 tahun sejak penubuhannya pada 1987.
Pengerusinya, Datuk Amihamzah Ahmad, berkata pelaksanaan model berkenaan adalah hasil daripada falsafah ‘Amalan Baik Pembiayaan Mikro’ (GMfP) yang menjadi asas dalam setiap langkah dan tindakan pada semua peringkat lembaga, kakitangan dan peminjam di seluruh negara.
“Bagi memastikan kelangsungan AIM sehingga kini, penerapan nilai murni seperti tanggungjawab, kepemimpinan, konsep berkumpulan serta penekanan terhadap disiplin kredit kepada peminjam harus dilaksanakan.
“Hasil usaha selama 25 tahun membolehkan kami mewujudkan komuniti peminjam yang dikenali sebagai sahabat dan kini mencecah lebih 300,000 orang,” katanya di sini, baru-baru ini.
Basmi kemiskinan Katanya, sokongan daripada kerajaan serta kerjasama dengan pemimpin masyarakat turut membantu AIM mengembangkan operasinya ke seluruh negara.
AIM ditubuhkan pada 17 September 1987 melalui Surat Cara Perjanjian AIM dan didaftarkan di bawah Akta Amanah (Pemerbadanan) 1952.
Penubuhan AIM adalah sebagai agensi pelengkap kerajaan dalam dasar pembasmian kemiskinan negara.
Beliau berkata, negara berjaya mengurangkan kadar kemiskinan daripada 17.1 peratus pada 1990 kepada 3.8 peratus pada 2009.
“Ini membuktikan dasar dilaksanakan kerajaan berjaya mengurangkan kadar kemiskinan, di samping peranan agen pelaksana seperti AIM yang turut menyokong pencapaian itu,” katanya.
Sementara itu, Zaiton Abdullah, 48, yang menjadi ahli AIM sejak 1997, berkata pinjaman yang diberikan ternyata mampu meningkatkan pendapatan bulanannya.
“Saya mengusahakan perkhidmatan pelamin, katering dan khemah untuk majlis keraian di sekitar Kelantan.
“Sebelum memohon pembiayaan AIM, purata pendapatan bulanan hanya RM500, namun menerusi pembiayaan yang diberikan, saya mampu untuk mengembangkan perniagaan dan memperoleh purata RM5,000 sebulan,” katanya yang berasal dari Machang, Kelantan.
Segera jadi ahli
Bagi Amizah Kasim, 42 dari FELDA Teloi di Kuala Ketil, Kedah pula, pinjaman RM2,000 pada 2005 membuka laluan untuk mengembangkan perniagaan yang diusahakan secara kecil-kecilan.
Beliau juga menggalakkan wanita tiada pendapatan tetap menjadi ahli AIM kerana ia mampu mengubah ekonomi mereka ke tahap yang lebih baik.
Source : Berita Harian
Date : 18 September 2012
Today's Pick (19/09/12/165/858)
Kuala Lumpur: Model Kewangan Mikro yang dipraktikkan Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM) menjadi tunjang utama yang membolehkan institut kewangan mikro itu bertahan sehingga 25 tahun sejak penubuhannya pada 1987.
Pengerusinya, Datuk Amihamzah Ahmad, berkata pelaksanaan model berkenaan adalah hasil daripada falsafah ‘Amalan Baik Pembiayaan Mikro’ (GMfP) yang menjadi asas dalam setiap langkah dan tindakan pada semua peringkat lembaga, kakitangan dan peminjam di seluruh negara.
“Bagi memastikan kelangsungan AIM sehingga kini, penerapan nilai murni seperti tanggungjawab, kepemimpinan, konsep berkumpulan serta penekanan terhadap disiplin kredit kepada peminjam harus dilaksanakan.
“Hasil usaha selama 25 tahun membolehkan kami mewujudkan komuniti peminjam yang dikenali sebagai sahabat dan kini mencecah lebih 300,000 orang,” katanya di sini, baru-baru ini.
Basmi kemiskinan Katanya, sokongan daripada kerajaan serta kerjasama dengan pemimpin masyarakat turut membantu AIM mengembangkan operasinya ke seluruh negara.
AIM ditubuhkan pada 17 September 1987 melalui Surat Cara Perjanjian AIM dan didaftarkan di bawah Akta Amanah (Pemerbadanan) 1952.
Penubuhan AIM adalah sebagai agensi pelengkap kerajaan dalam dasar pembasmian kemiskinan negara.
Beliau berkata, negara berjaya mengurangkan kadar kemiskinan daripada 17.1 peratus pada 1990 kepada 3.8 peratus pada 2009.
“Ini membuktikan dasar dilaksanakan kerajaan berjaya mengurangkan kadar kemiskinan, di samping peranan agen pelaksana seperti AIM yang turut menyokong pencapaian itu,” katanya.
Sementara itu, Zaiton Abdullah, 48, yang menjadi ahli AIM sejak 1997, berkata pinjaman yang diberikan ternyata mampu meningkatkan pendapatan bulanannya.
“Saya mengusahakan perkhidmatan pelamin, katering dan khemah untuk majlis keraian di sekitar Kelantan.
“Sebelum memohon pembiayaan AIM, purata pendapatan bulanan hanya RM500, namun menerusi pembiayaan yang diberikan, saya mampu untuk mengembangkan perniagaan dan memperoleh purata RM5,000 sebulan,” katanya yang berasal dari Machang, Kelantan.
Segera jadi ahli
Bagi Amizah Kasim, 42 dari FELDA Teloi di Kuala Ketil, Kedah pula, pinjaman RM2,000 pada 2005 membuka laluan untuk mengembangkan perniagaan yang diusahakan secara kecil-kecilan.
Beliau juga menggalakkan wanita tiada pendapatan tetap menjadi ahli AIM kerana ia mampu mengubah ekonomi mereka ke tahap yang lebih baik.
Source : Berita Harian
Date : 18 September 2012
Today's Pick (19/09/12/165/858)
afternoon highlight (18/09/12/160/635) Business loans dip
Business loans dip
Banking analysts say cooling effect is temporary, earnings intact
PETALING JAYA: Business loan growth is expected to slow down although not significantly in the coming months and will not be a drag on overall earnings of banks, according to analysts.
Many quarters viewed the slowdown in the latest business loan indicators in July as temporary and much would depend on the roll-out of mega projects and the state of the country's economy.
A banking analyst with MIDF Research told StarBiz that he expected business loans for the second half to be softer compared with the first half partly due to slower capital market-related loans.
Nevertheless, he felt the moderation in business loan growth would be short-lived.
He added that the slower business loan growth would not impact the overall earnings of banks as there were other sources of income besides business or corporate loans.
Some of the other sources of income included non-interest income or fee-based income like investment banking and treasury activities, wealth management and bancassurance, transaction banking apart from Islamic banking.
He said banks were strategising to have a stronger base in the non-interest income or fee-based activities in view of the compression in net interest margins, adding that he anticipated overall loan growth of between 10% and 11% this year.
A foreign-based investment bank analyst said she did not expect bank earnings to be affected, judging from the latest business loan indicators, as the demand for corporate loans and small and medium enterprise loans was still strong, noting that she expected business loans to grow after tapering in the first half of the year.
The analyst said that business loans were expected to hold up partly due to the fact that the Responsible Lending Guidelines had affected the growth of other consumer loans.
Alliance Research banking analyst Cheah King Yoong said the contraction in business loans was not alarming and would not slowdown significantly.
The research house anticipated business loans stemming from the roll-out of Entry Point Projects (EPP) under the Economic Transformation Plan (ETP) would accelerate in the coming months while domestic economic activities would remain resilient despite external uncertainties, supported by the Government's pump-priming activities, robust consumption pattern and conducive monetary environment.
He believed Malayan Banking Bhd, CIMB Group Holdings Bhd and RHB Capital Bhd were well-positioned to capitalise on the pick-up in business loans stemming from the roll-out of EPP under the ETP.
Cheah expected earnings trend among banks to continue to surprise on the upside in anticipation of accelerated disbursement of ETP-related corporate loans and higher contributions from the investment banking operations in the second half of this year.
While many banks have accounted for the major portion of fee income related to the listing of Felda Global Ventures Holdings Bhd in their first half earnings, he expected investment banking fees to remain strong in the second half of this year.
Cheah attributed this to the upcoming large initial public offerings such as that of Astro Malaysia Holdings Bhd and IGB REIT, coupled with the imminent new bond issuance to finance ETP-related projects.
Bank Negara's statistics for July showed that lending indicators have contracted for a second consecutive month. The contraction was not due to the adverse impact from the Responsible Lending Guidelines, as the drag on the lending indicators was due to business loans.
Business loan applications, approvals and disbursements declined by 37.8%, 25.9% and 10.6%, respectively, on a month one month basis.
Outstanding business loans as at July inched up by 0.5% on a month-on-month basis, at a slower pace compared with the 1.5% month-on-month growth in June. As a result, business loan grew by an annualised 13.7% in July, a moderation compared with 15.9% in June.
Cheah was maintaining a forecast of 11% in domestic loan growth this year for now, reiterating that there was increasing likelihood of an upside risk to its forecast.
Malaysian Rating Corp Bhd chief economist Nor Zahidi Alias said despite the anticipation of slower economic growth in the second half of this year, growth in business loans was not expected to decelerate significantly as domestic economic activity would provide a strong support to the overall economy.
The notable increases in the momentum of investment in the past two quarters (first quarter: 16.2% growth and second quarter: 26.1% growth) suggested that going forward, investment activity would likely remain robust, underpinned by mega projects such as the My Rapid Transit, Petronas Refinery and Petrochemical Integrated Development and others.
As such, stronger construction and investment activity would drive more demand for loans from the corporate sector, offsetting the weakness in household loans in the next few quarters, Zahidi said.
Source : The Star
Date : 19 Sep 2012
afternoon highlight (18/09/12/160/635)
Banking analysts say cooling effect is temporary, earnings intact
PETALING JAYA: Business loan growth is expected to slow down although not significantly in the coming months and will not be a drag on overall earnings of banks, according to analysts.
Many quarters viewed the slowdown in the latest business loan indicators in July as temporary and much would depend on the roll-out of mega projects and the state of the country's economy.
A banking analyst with MIDF Research told StarBiz that he expected business loans for the second half to be softer compared with the first half partly due to slower capital market-related loans.
Nevertheless, he felt the moderation in business loan growth would be short-lived.
He added that the slower business loan growth would not impact the overall earnings of banks as there were other sources of income besides business or corporate loans.
Some of the other sources of income included non-interest income or fee-based income like investment banking and treasury activities, wealth management and bancassurance, transaction banking apart from Islamic banking.
He said banks were strategising to have a stronger base in the non-interest income or fee-based activities in view of the compression in net interest margins, adding that he anticipated overall loan growth of between 10% and 11% this year.
A foreign-based investment bank analyst said she did not expect bank earnings to be affected, judging from the latest business loan indicators, as the demand for corporate loans and small and medium enterprise loans was still strong, noting that she expected business loans to grow after tapering in the first half of the year.
The analyst said that business loans were expected to hold up partly due to the fact that the Responsible Lending Guidelines had affected the growth of other consumer loans.
Alliance Research banking analyst Cheah King Yoong said the contraction in business loans was not alarming and would not slowdown significantly.
The research house anticipated business loans stemming from the roll-out of Entry Point Projects (EPP) under the Economic Transformation Plan (ETP) would accelerate in the coming months while domestic economic activities would remain resilient despite external uncertainties, supported by the Government's pump-priming activities, robust consumption pattern and conducive monetary environment.
He believed Malayan Banking Bhd, CIMB Group Holdings Bhd and RHB Capital Bhd were well-positioned to capitalise on the pick-up in business loans stemming from the roll-out of EPP under the ETP.
Cheah expected earnings trend among banks to continue to surprise on the upside in anticipation of accelerated disbursement of ETP-related corporate loans and higher contributions from the investment banking operations in the second half of this year.
While many banks have accounted for the major portion of fee income related to the listing of Felda Global Ventures Holdings Bhd in their first half earnings, he expected investment banking fees to remain strong in the second half of this year.
Cheah attributed this to the upcoming large initial public offerings such as that of Astro Malaysia Holdings Bhd and IGB REIT, coupled with the imminent new bond issuance to finance ETP-related projects.
Bank Negara's statistics for July showed that lending indicators have contracted for a second consecutive month. The contraction was not due to the adverse impact from the Responsible Lending Guidelines, as the drag on the lending indicators was due to business loans.
Business loan applications, approvals and disbursements declined by 37.8%, 25.9% and 10.6%, respectively, on a month one month basis.
Outstanding business loans as at July inched up by 0.5% on a month-on-month basis, at a slower pace compared with the 1.5% month-on-month growth in June. As a result, business loan grew by an annualised 13.7% in July, a moderation compared with 15.9% in June.
Cheah was maintaining a forecast of 11% in domestic loan growth this year for now, reiterating that there was increasing likelihood of an upside risk to its forecast.
Malaysian Rating Corp Bhd chief economist Nor Zahidi Alias said despite the anticipation of slower economic growth in the second half of this year, growth in business loans was not expected to decelerate significantly as domestic economic activity would provide a strong support to the overall economy.
The notable increases in the momentum of investment in the past two quarters (first quarter: 16.2% growth and second quarter: 26.1% growth) suggested that going forward, investment activity would likely remain robust, underpinned by mega projects such as the My Rapid Transit, Petronas Refinery and Petrochemical Integrated Development and others.
As such, stronger construction and investment activity would drive more demand for loans from the corporate sector, offsetting the weakness in household loans in the next few quarters, Zahidi said.
Source : The Star
Date : 19 Sep 2012
afternoon highlight (18/09/12/160/635)
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Today's Pick (18/09/12/164/857) Slowdown in car sales
Slowdown in car sales
MAA says buyers are expecting goodies in Budget 2013 for
the sector
PETALING JAYA: Consumers are
postponing car purchases because of several factors including expectations of
goodies in the upcoming budget for the auto sector.“The indication is that some people are holding back their purchasers,” said Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) president Datuk Aishah Ahmad.
She confirmed that the association's members have recorded a slight decline in sales.
“Orders have slowed down a bit. We believe that people expect something will be announced at the budget,” said Aishah, adding that the MAA did not expect any significant announcement in Budget 2013 pertaining to the local auto sector.
Budget 2013 will be tabled on Sept 28. For the first six months of 2012, total vehicle sales rose marginally by 1.4% to 301,224 units from 297,203 units a year earlier.

One industry observer said sales could be slowing down due to the uncertainty on the date of the general election.
“People are holding back their purchases and adopting a wait-and-see' approach.
“We believe people are also holding back their purchases following reports that the revised NAP will include a policy to address the gradual reduction of car prices in the country,” he said.
According to media reports, the policy is expected to outline a structure to gradually reduce car prices by between 15% and 20% over the next three to four years.
RHB Research Institute, in its recent report, noted that the quantum of the price reduction, should it happen, could have “major implications” for both the used and new car markets over the transition period.
“Accordingly, the Government will need to communicate its proposals to the market in an effective and transparent manner to avoid irrational behaviour by market participants and undue volatility in auto sales,” it said.
An analyst from a local bank-backed brokerage said it was difficult to determine if the vehicle sales slowdown was due to buyers holding back their purchasers until after the elections.
“Tough to say. But realistically most people would know that whatever the Opposition has in mind is a populist move and implementation would be very difficult.”
Proton Edar Dealers Association Malaysia president Armin Baniaz Pahamin also admitted that its members had been reporting a slowdown in sales.
“Sales are slowing down. Whether or not it's due to the general election is uncertain, but the market is a bit cold,” he said, adding that sales are generally slower towards the end of the year.
He said uncertainty surrounding the general election, budget and NAP had a collective impact on buyer sentiment.
“All these factors are affecting consumer sentiment,” Armin said.
He added that the uncertainty was also affecting vehicle manufacturers.
Federation of Motor and Credit Companies Association of Malaysia president Datuk Tony Khor, meanwhile, said it was still “business as usual” for the used cars sector.
“So far, there has not been much changes in terms of sales trend,” he said.
Source : The
Date : 18
Sep 2012
Today's Pick
afternoon highlight (14/09/12/159/634) MBSB to spend RM100m on new banking system
MBSB to spend RM100m on
new banking system
IMPROVING SERVICES: Investment to help lender become a
full-fledged bank
Building Society Bhd (MBSB) will invest RM100 million in a new core banking
system and information technology over the next five years.
MBSB president and chief executive officer Datuk Ahmad Zaini Othman said the investment, starting from November, will come from its own funds.
"With this, it will take us a step closer to becoming a full-fledged bank," Ahmad Zaini said after the signing ceremony with its technology provider and partner, Silverlake Innovation Partners Sdn Bhd, here yesterday.
He added that the new core banking system will allow MBSB to efficiently deliver its products and services to customers and facilitate its product development.
MBSB president and chief executive officer Datuk Ahmad Zaini Othman said the investment, starting from November, will come from its own funds.
"With this, it will take us a step closer to becoming a full-fledged bank," Ahmad Zaini said after the signing ceremony with its technology provider and partner, Silverlake Innovation Partners Sdn Bhd, here yesterday.
He added that the new core banking system will allow MBSB to efficiently deliver its products and services to customers and facilitate its product development.
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"We expect the
system to be up by the third week of November and once it's up, our customers
can expect a good product, in terms of look and feel," he added.
He said MBSB needs to continue playing its role in supporting its retail customers, the majority of whom are government servants, and government programmes.
"We certainly aim to be the preferred financial service provider for these key segments," he added.
Named "MBSB Integrated Core Banking" or Micob, the new system will enable MBSB to enhance its risk management covering compliance and security governance of data and user accesses.
Silverlake's provides information technology collaboration services, specifically for the finance sector.
Source : New Straits Times
He said MBSB needs to continue playing its role in supporting its retail customers, the majority of whom are government servants, and government programmes.
"We certainly aim to be the preferred financial service provider for these key segments," he added.
Named "MBSB Integrated Core Banking" or Micob, the new system will enable MBSB to enhance its risk management covering compliance and security governance of data and user accesses.
Silverlake's provides information technology collaboration services, specifically for the finance sector.
Source : New Straits Times
Date : 14 September 2012
afternoon highlight (14/09/12/159/634)
Today's Pick (14/09/12/163/856) REITs seen to have more upside
REITs seen to
have more upside
WHILE larger
retail Malaysian REITs (MREITs) have outperformed KLCI and trade at comparable
yields to Singapore REITs (SREITs), we see further upside with two more REITs
launching in the second half of this year and beyond at new benchmark yields.We estimate there is another RM12bil worth of prime malls owned privately or by developers which have REIT potential.
Retail MREITs have stronger growth potential than SREITs given rental reversion of 5% to 8% versus 3% to 4% per annum and more visible acquisition pipeline.
There is strong gravitation towards REITs for its more diversified resilient retail exposure, higher yields (140-240 basis points over fixed deposit rate) and inflation-hedging.

Despite slower GDP growth and tightening in household debts, private consumption has proven to be resilient and should benefit from positive demographics, rising affluence, increasing tourist spending and government initiatives.
Rentals are on the rise along with tenants' improved capacity to absorb higher costs, influx of foreign brands and gradual shift to speciality stores.
This would also spur additional revenue growth given turnover rent comprises around 3% to 5% of total revenues on retail REITs (small base).
The next major rental revision for key prime malls will be in 2013 to 2014, and should continue to see a healthy uptrend (10% to 15% over a typical 3-year lease).
Shopping complex occupancy rates increased to 85% despite new mall openings.
Unlike SREITs, MREITs have yet to dabble into alternative financing which could mitigate the 50% gearing cap - providing headroom for more asset acquisitions.
While more expensive than conventional debt, this alleviates the need for unwelcomed cash-calls (eg rights issues) amid an uncertain macro-economic backdrop. We expect interest rates to remain low in the short-medium term around 3.5%.
We have upgraded our financial year 2014 earnings forecasts on Sunway REIT and CapitaMalls Malaysia Trust (CMMT) by 9% and 8% on assumed injection of sponsor-owned-assets.
Date: 14 September 2012
Source: The Star
Today's Pick (14/09/12/163/856)
afternoon highlight (13/09/12/158/633) Car vendors and dealers call for tax incentives
Car vendors and dealers call for tax
PETALING JAYA: With the automotive industry's cry for the
energy-efficient vehicles (EEV) tax exemption period to be extended pacified,
industry players are now shifting their hope on other incentives in Budget 2013
to encourage a more competitive business environment.
Among Perodua managing
director Datuk Aminar Rashid Salleh's recommendations for Budget 2013 were soft loans or grants or tax
exemptions for local car vendors to assist them in becoming world class
“In addition, we hope that the Government will give incentives to car
vendors and dealers for training both domestically and abroad either via joint
ventures or partners to up skill their workers,” he told
Aminar believed this was needed for the vendors to be globally
competitive in terms of productivity, quality, delivery and cost competitiveness
to survive full liberalisation of the automotive industry.
To reduce foreign labour employment, he also suggested a special fund
allocation or incentives to OEMs for the purpose of training school leavers to
help fill the need for semi-skilled labour, especially at the vendor
“We (further) implore the Government to have certification programmes
and quality standards introduced to ensure that the workmen are properly trained
and the consumers are assured of competent workmanship,” Aminar said of staff at the after-sales service centres and body and
paint outlets. He believed that the industry and consumers would benefit from
standardised service from independent centres.
On the industry's effect on the economy, Aminar also recommended the
Government “considers giving sales tax exemptions for first-time car buyers of
national cars to allow a greater number of Malaysians to own a vehicle as the
incentive would help buffer any shortfall in the economy next year due to
external factors.”
“We also implore the Government to initiate an end-of-life policy for
aging vehicles to further enhance road safety while, at the same time, stimulate
economic growth,” he said, adding that the Government should ideally engage
relevant stakeholders, such as consumer associations, auto manufacturers and
finance companies, to ensure that the policy was well
On corporate tax, a point brought up by in other sectors as well,
Aminar said: “We also request that the Government consider the reduction of
corporate tax to offset the increase in cost to all industries, especially with
the introduction of minimum wage next year.” He said the reduction in corporate
tax would go a long way in helping businesses adopt the rising cost of doing
business without having to raise its product or service
Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) president
Datuk Aishah Ahmad said since the Government had extended the duties exemption on
hybrid cars below 2,000cc until end-2013, “we are hoping that the 2,000cc and
above EEVs could enjoy the same benefits.”
“It would be good if the Government also considers reducing duties on
motor vehicles which now range between 65% and 105%,” she
Tan Chong Sdn Bhd executive
director Datuk Ang Bon Beng pointed out that as the automotive industry had been reported to
contribute 6% to 8% to the gross domestic product by year 2020 from the current
2.4%, Tan Chong hoped that the Government would take on gradual structural
changes for the industry.
“We hope to see changes to some structural issues to boost the growth
of the auto industry,” he said, “Nevertheless; we expect the government to adopt
gradual, instead of drastic liberalization, to ensure market
He also noted that auto players as well as MAA have submitted various
proposals to the government under the National Automotive Policy review which
will be revealed soon.
The star, September 13, 2012
Source : The Star
Date : 13 September 2012
afternoon highlight (13/09/12/158/633)
Today's Pick (13/09/12/162/855) New marketing platform for SMEs
marketing platform for SMEs
Young entrepreneurs as well as new small and medium enterprises (SMEs) will
soon have another avenue to market their products in Singapore when the
Malaysia External Trade and Development Corp (Matrade) completes a process to
pick 50 of them to kickstart a programme spearheaded by the Young Entrepreneur
Organisation Malaysia (GMB Malaysia).
exporters development division senior director Datuk Dzulkifli Mahmud said at a media briefing
that this programme would see the first 50 SMEs picked to showcase their fast
moving consumer goods (FMCGs) for a six-month period at a soon-to-be set up
Malaysia Trade Centre in the island-republic.
“We’re hoping
to diversify our market for FMCGs through this type of network,” he said,
adding that this was in addition to other initiatives to expand FMCG exports to
Dzulkifli pointed
out that there was a need to look at other channels to enhance the visibility
of local FMCGs, in particular for new SMEs with exportable products but whose
market reach may not be long enough or who need some financial support.
According to GMB
Malaysia president Agil Faisal Ahmad Fadzil, the centre would be set
up by December by the organisation in a venture with IM Investment Holdings Pte Ltd, a company specialising in
integrating the business value chain.
“The programme
will identify the new SMEs and help them to develop products for exports,” he
said. Besides identifying the companies involved, GMB Malaysia would also help
in running campaigns and organise trade shows for them.
IM, which has
a network in seven countries across the Asia-Pacific region and partners around
the world, would assist via their expertise in various markets and their access
to clients, which include those in the public sector.
Agil said
this platform had been proven in Turkey by IM, which also had a venture with
the Japan External Trade Organisation to do the same.
“We can
further help our SMEs through IM, who can help identify the suitability of
products for exports,” he added.
Agil said if
these companies succeeded in exporting their products to Singapore, there would
be more acceptances for these products in the region and around the world. “Its
a benchmark,” he said.
Dzulkifli said Malaysia currently exported a whole range of FMCGs to Singapore.
“These products include those in the food and beverage, household items,
personal care and fresh produce such as fruits and vegetables.”
The latest trade data released by the Statistics Department shows
Singapore remains Malaysia’s second largest trade partner in terms of total
trade with the island-republic taking up a 50.3% share of the RM109.8bil
exports to Asean from January to July.
Date: 13 September 2012
Source: The Star
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